Wednesday 13 November 2013

Know The Prostate Cancer Symptoms

As men get older their prostate gland often enlarges. This is usually not due to cancer. It is a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia. But as the prostate cancer involves the male reproductive system, the prostate, it is a disease that chiefly affects the male. Early detection of its symptoms is significant to treatment and recovery. Having prostate cancer means that your prostate cells transform and reproduce out of control and the cancerous cells begin to attack all the encircling healthy cells within the prostate, and usually unfold to substitute components of the body. Very often, this illness also affects the bones round the prostate. This cancer has now become almost a global phenomenon and millions of men all around are getting affected by these disease. Unfortunately, most men do not comprehend that they have got prostate cancer until it reaches an advanced stage. Once it is diagnosed in a later stage, it is usually more difficult to cure or treat. Hence always keep in mind that the sooner you take evasive action and talk with a doctor the better the chances are to get cured from this danger! Hence, early detection can help in controlling the spread of the cancer cells.
Several factors appear to increase the risk of getting this disease. Age is a key factor. It has been found that prostate cancer is most common in men over fifty years of age. Family history is also another key indicator of increased risk.  If you've got a relative having this particular disease, you are twice as likely to have prostate cancer yourself. Apart from that In addition, where you are coming from etc are also matters that may count into the buildup of a prostate cancer. Statistics reveal that African-Americans are most at risk, followed by Americans and Europeans. Least at risk are Asians, particularly those that live in the East and Southeast portions of the continent. It has been said that an unhealthy lifestyle and diet also increases your risk to getting this disease. Here are some important prostate cancer symptoms that you should keep a look out for:
1.      Getting a constant pain in the prostate area
2.      Having an unmanageable desire to urinate frequently, particularly at night
3.      Having difficulty while urinating, both in starting or holding back
4.      Lesser flow of urine
5.      Occurrence of blood and in urine and semen
6.      Some kind of pain/ burning sensation when urinating
7.      Decreased sexual urge
8.      Erectile dysfunction (inability to have or sustain an erection)
9.      Painful ejaculation  

It does not mean that you have prostate cancer just because you notice the above symptoms. These symptoms can also be an indication of other diseases. To find out if you really have prostate cancer, you need to consult a specialist. Once you describe to him about the symptoms that you have observed, he may order a series of tests to make sure. The PSA, or prostate specific antigen test, is used to detect the disease. Additionally, other tests such as X-rays and bone scans may also be used to determine the extent of the cancer. However, to keep your prostate cancer under a bit control you can also try out Prosvent, the best friend of your prostate gland. 

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